
22/23 Commander 98


For us, wide-open groomers are like a full moon, summoning the inner speed demon. So we built a ski you can drive, and we mean REALLY bend a shovel on, but still toss off into the chop and humble bystanders with your crud-busting prowess.

A European beech core, two sheets of titanal, full-width metal over full-height, race-style sidewall underfoot provide unparalleled connection to the snow, maximum driving power and more quickness edge to edge than we have ever deemed reasonable. Throw a flatter tail, rearward mount and dual radius sidecut into the mix and it's a whole new animal.

The Commander will charge anything, crud, corn, bumps, groomers, so you can lay trenches like a ditch witch but still crush the rest of the mountain without fearing for life and ligaments.

That doesn't mean you'll get your ass spanked if you so much as flinch. It'll slip, slash and pivot to your heart's content, so long as you aren't afraid to keep your foot on the gas it'll never hold you back.